Friday, July 24, 2009

Islamic Ornaments

Hello Everyone!

Ornament is a decorational element used to embellish parts of a design or object. A wide variety of decorative ornaments and motifs have been developed by many famous artists, designers and calligraphers for pottery, furniture, metalwork and especially for Islamic calligraphy.

Few years back i've come acroos a most beautifully designed piece of art which i would like to share it. Above image is a preview and editable files are available to download from the link below.
ZIP file (2.83MB) contains AI & PDF.

Please feel free to download, edit and use it anywhere according to your own.

Need prayers!!!

Thanks you.

Friday, July 10, 2009

The difference between a Graphic Artist and Designer.

Graphic Artist:
The one who expresses their selves through a medium.

A person who devises a particular course of action aimed at changing existing situations into preferred ones.

I believe those are great designers blended with both dimensions.